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top 10 Books

This is a list of the most read (English) books on our planet, based on the number of books published and sold over the last 50 years.

Prices from Chairman Mao TSE-TUNG via Mouse Tong

“The main force pushing our power forward is the Chinese Communist Party.”

Rotating Harry Potter by JP

“Mr. and Mrs. Dorsley, number four, private drive, are proud to say they are perfectly normal, thank you very much.”

Lord of the Rings by J.R.R. Tolkien

“There was a lot of talk and excitement in Hobart when Mr. Bilbo Beggins of Bag & K announced that he would soon be celebrating his eleventh birthday with a special party.”

Alchemist by Paulo Coelho

“The alchemist was carrying a book that someone had brought in the caravan.”

DA Winsky code by Dan Brown

“Renowned curator Jacques Sonier is stumbling across the variable archway of the Museum’s Grand Gallery.”

Toilet Saga by Stephanie Meyer

“I never thought much about dying – even though I had a lot to do in the last few months – I couldn’t have imagined it if I had.”

Go with the wind through Margaret Mitchell

“Scarlett O’Hara wasn’t pretty, but the men hardly realized it when they were caught by her charm, like the Tarleton twins.”

Think and grow through Napoleon Hill

“Truth,” ideas are things, “and powerful things in it, when they are combined with a mixture of purpose, perseverance, and desire to translate them into wealth, or other material things.”

Any French diary by Anne Frank

“I hope I can tell you everything I have never been able to tell anyone.”


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