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7 Great Tips to Keep Red Wine from Staining Your Teeth

Do you enjoy going to parties and drink red wine on special occasions or with dinner? Regretfully, red wine is a popular drink that might cause damage to your teeth and make them soft purple color. Over time, this kind of drink can be the reason for your teeth to become brown, purple, gray or blue.

Teeth discoloration occurs as red wine has acids, natural dyes and tannin that can leave your teeth stained and etched. Luckily, different things can be done to take proper care of your teeth and avoid further stains. Read to know some tips for whiter teeth when drinking red wine.

Brush your teeth before drinking Some food particles that stick to your teeth can be absorbent and when drinking red wine, the food particles can take the colour of wine by making your teeth appear purple.

It is advised to brush teeth before drinking red wine and avoid this problem. Make sure you brush hard to reach areas in the teeth and floss daily to get rid of food particles stuck between the teeth. When you want to keep your teeth white while drinking red wine at the restaurants or while going out with friends, carry a toothbrush to use when you need it the most.

  1. Use a straw Drinking red wine from a straw will allow the wine to bypass your teeth and go straight into your tongue. Red wine can be consumed with a straw and so, if you feel shy to use one, switch to red-wine based sangria.
  2. Eat crunchy foods when you drink red wine Eating carrots and crunchy vegetables can clean your teeth properly while chewing. When you have carrots with red wine, this will keep the teeth clean and free from stains. When you drink wine at a friend’s house, take vegetable platter with you to have crunchy vegetables to eat when you reach there.
  3. Eat cheese Both red wine and cheese taste good when you enjoy together, but you might not know that cheese can protect the teeth from stains. In reality, cheese covers your teeth by using waxy coating that can fill the pores and avoid further stains. Hard cheese can protect your teeth by wiping enamel clean.
  4. Chew sugarless gum When you do not carry a toothbrush while drinking red wine, sugarless gum is also effective. By chewing sugarless gum, you can make your teeth clean and dirt free before enjoying red wine.
  5. Drink water with wine By sparkling water, you can wash wine down and prevent teeth from getting stained. For this, you need to take a drink of wine and sparkling water. Then swish water around in your mouth before swallowing.
  6. Use teeth wipes Teeth wipes can help to wipe away thrown food and wine stains while drinking red wine. Teeth wipes are available in a convenient package and you should always carry them with you when having wine.
  7. Know about tooth whitening products Different tooth-whitening products are available and some of them are minimally effective while others can cause damage to your teeth by stripping away enamel, making teeth more sensitive and highly vulnerable to stains. If you use a tooth-whitening product on your teeth, consult with the dentist to ensure it is a safer option so that you can clean stains from teeth.

What you should not do when drinking red wine

  • Do not opt for white wine Choosing white wine can protect teeth from discolorations and stains. Though white wine won’t stain teeth purple like red wine, it has acidic properties that can cause tooth stains. White wine can increase the number of pores and holes in your teeth by eating away the enamel and making your teeth highly vulnerable to stains.
  • Do not use baking soda and suck lemons or limes – Many people think they can avoid red wine from staining teeth by sucking on lime or brushing teeth with baking soda and lemon juice. Both lemons and limes have highly acidic content that can damage teeth in the same way like white wine. Besides, baking soda is very abrasive and can scratch away the enamel thus, leaving your teeth more vulnerable.
  • Visit your dentist regularly Seeing your dentist regularly can protect your teeth from further stains and discolorations. The dentist will clean teeth, whiten the enamel safely to prevent staining. If you drink red wine regularly, then it is advised to visit a dentist at least twice in a year to get rid of those unwanted stains.

If you are having further questions about how to protect teeth from stains and discolorations caused due to drinking red wine, you should visit your dentist immediately. Thus, you may visit this website to book your appointment and remove stains from your teeth.

For more informative articles keep visiting Emu Article.

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