BPO Career: What does it look like?

BPO Career

The BPO industry in the Philippines is growing by leaps and bounds. So it’s not a surprise that the Philippines has taken the crown as the world’s call center capital. The country’s three major cities rank in the top 100 global outsourcing destinations in the world. In the Philippines, it’s highly likely that you will find at least one person in a family who works at a BPO.

If you’ve ever been curious about a BPO career, here’s a look at some answers to commonly asked questions about a BPO.

What does a job look like in a BPO?

BPOs hire talent to provide operation support services to clients. These clients come from a wide range of industries, including telecommunications, electronics, software, etc. The majority of clients in the Philippines are the U.S headquartered multi-national companies. A large part of the reason is that Filipinos have good proficiency and culture fit.

The majority share of the local BPO industry provides customer support. However, other disciplines can be found at BPOs as well.

In addition to customer support, retention specialists, data analysts, content moderators, designers, and other roles are available in the industry. No matter where your passion lies, there’s likely a job for you in the Philippines BPO industry.

What is the scope of growth in the BPO industry?

The future possibilities of a career in BPO are as boundless as the current opportunities. Working at a BPO gives people exposure to an array of businesses, which paves the way for promising industry switch in the future.

Working at a BPO gives people a chance to work with international clients and colleagues. This experience hones communication skills and helps develop a business perspective at a global level. Plus, the opportunity to start a career as early as an undergraduate means people can kick off their careers sooner.

What is the work culture like at a BPO?

Work across the BPO industry is fast-paced. Adjusting to the pace of work and timings can be a little daunting. However, it’s not as big a deal as it seems. In an industry where people directly impact the bottom line of business, companies make a conscious decision to help their people take care of them. Companies provide cabs to make their commute convenient and save time.

Many companies provide meals to employees, so they don’t have to worry about their food and focus properly on work.

A few companies sponsor regular team outings and provide counselors and other physical and mental health benefits to employees. Employers organize yoga, acupuncture, marathons, and other fitness programs to keep employees motivated and in good health. Gym memberships, fitness app subscriptions, fitness equipment, among others are sponsored by BPO companies.

Many BPOs go to the extent of checking their employees’ mental health by organizing regular checkups and scheduling therapy sessions. Some companies even sponsor vacations for their employees to unwind and freshen up for the time ahead of them. Fun, learning, opportunities, growth, and health are well taken care of while working at a BPO. Thus, a career in the BPO industry is promising as any other industry.
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