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Health and Fitness

Yoga Poses That Help in Breathing Problems & Helps in Increasing Oxygen Level in Blood

Breathing exercises are one of the efficient ways to keep your lungs healthy and enhance your breathing abilities. Regular practice of deep breathing is good for overall physical and mental wellbeing, it has also become vital at the ongoing Covid-19 pandemic.

Coronavirus mainly attacks the lungs and the whole respiratory system, thereby resulting in breathing issues and some of the case pneumonia. Keeping your lungs healthy and strong is one of the best ways to prepare yourself for a pandemic. With breathing exercises, you get more confidence in your body’s healing power.


Before discussing how to increase lungs capacity through yoga poses, let us know how our lungs work?

Each cell in our body requires oxygen for optimal function. The air we take inside while we breathe offers this oxygen, and oxygen exchange occurs in our lungs. The capacity of our lungs is six liters, although we take only half a liter of air while breathing. With proper breathing, we can take this to three liters.

The breathing capacity starts declining after the age of 35. It might be because of the losing bone density that makes our ribcage very small. This is the reason getting recovered from respiratory infection is complicated after we start aging.


Optimize your lings with effective yogic breathing!

Yogasana is a mix of physical postures with best breathing practices that helps the body and mind maintain total equilibrium. As per yoga, breath is also known as prana, which is the driving force behind every energy that controls our life. Breathing in the right way is essential in any form of yoga. When yoga is not done correctly, it might get sticked in the body’s channels and radiate immense pain and body ache.

Yogasanas mainly involve abdominal, clavicular, and thoracic breathing that assist in gaining reasonable control over your breath, rectifying your breathing habits, and enhance oxygen intake. All the asana, whether it is sitting or standing, helps strengthen the back, stomach, and thigh muscles and improves the oxygenation and capacity of the lungs. When practiced regularly, these asanas assist in refining the breathing by elongating the inhalation and the exhalation process. It also helps enhance the lung muscles and treat various respiratory disorders such as sinus, cough, and cold. A 200 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh offers the best training on all breathing yoga asanas.

Aerobic exercises

We can easily damage our lungs and maintain them in an optimum working condition by remaining active and performing breathing exercises. Aerobic exercises help them function properly, strength training helps improve the posture, and breathing exercises assist in removing the old air from the lungs and enhance the breathing capacity. The best part about breathing exercises is anyone can do it and that too anywhere. They are easily accessible and a simple way to work on lung strengthening. If you are interested in learning more about the asana then you can go with the advanced in-person 300 hour yoga teacher training in Rishikesh which many of the yoga school in Rishikesh teach as a part of the advanced certification course.

Have a look at some breathing exercises or yogic poses that are very simple, highly efficient, and easily accessible to anyone. Practice these yoga postures for strengthening your chest muscles and enhancing the health and the working of lungs.

Practice these yoga postures to strengthen the muscles of the chest and improve the health and functioning of the lungs:

Sukhasana or cross-legged sitting yoga pose:

In this pose, sit in a regular meditation pose. Hold your left wrist with your right hand in the back. DO inhalation while pulling your shoulders back and expanding your chest. When you bend forward, exhale and then touch the right forehead to the right knee. Again inhale and come back to the starting position. Repeat all steps and continue on the other side by touching the forehead to your left knee.


Sukhasana is essential when there are lung abnormalities. It assists in stimulating the flow of blood to the lungs and washes all toxins from your leg muscles. This asana helps in enhancing your focus and concentration and assists you in treating respiratory disorders and cold and cough symptoms. When practiced regularly assist you in reducing your stress and anxiety.


Bhujangasana or the cobra pose:

At first, lie flat on your stomach and keep your head on the ground. Now hold both of your hands on either side of your shoulders. Slowly exert some pressure on your palms and then lift your body from the torso while stretching your back and the belly muscles. Straighten your arms and keep the shoulder blades pressed against the back. Now gaze at a point on the ceiling and hold this posture for about 15-30 seconds and then exhale when you return to the initial position.


Bhujanagaasana not only helps in enhancing mental calmness but also helps in strengthening the mind and assist in stretching out the chest and the lungs. It also aids in mild sciatica, makes the spine strong, and offers good relief from asthmatic symptoms.


Matsya Asana or the fish pose:

At first, lie on your back and then fold your arms under your body. Now lift the head and chest, inhale and then rest the crown of your head on the ground while curving the back. Retain the balance of the entire body by making use of your elbows. Do inhalation and exhalation by opening up your chest. Keep this position on hold as long as you are comfortable.


It is known as the destroyer of all disease, and it promotes deep breathing but stretching and strengthening the lung muscles. It also offers support to the balance of the body and assists in the proper circulation and distribution of Blood all through the body.


Padma Sarvangasana or lotus shoulder stand:

Start with the supported headstand. When you start breathing, fold your legs and then cross them to bring the left ankle onto the right thigh and your right ankle onto the left. Give support to your back with your hands. Hold on to this position for several consecutive breaths or till you can hold, unfold your legs and then slowly lower your body.


This pose helps in the perfect expansion of your chest that facilitates the easy passage of the air to your lungs.

Thus, all of the above yoga poses can be performed anytime, but you should remain relaxed and on an empty stomach. Ensure you do not practice them in crowded spaces. Practice where there is free air or rooms that are well-ventilated.

Most of these yoga poses are taught in all eminent yoga schools in Rishikesh. These yogic breathing assist you in preventing severity in coronavirus infection. With regular practice, our lungs capacity also increases a lot.

Apart from all this, breathing exercises are one of the best ways to strengthen the diaphragm and train the body to engage the lungs for breathing more deeply and effectively. When practiced regularly, they assist in making the lugs elastic and active by eliminating the stale air that can accumulate in various corners of the lings due to ineffective breathing. This can also enhance energy as each cell in your body receives the oxygen that it needs for functioning.

Nowadays due to the increase in population it has been very difficult to breathe healthy air, many people in metro cities are facing these issues and are the many health and lungs diseases.

The healthier your lungs, the more efficient it is to fight off infections!

Related Blog: Yoga Poses For Digestion
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Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher.

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